Thursday, March 12, 2009

American Idol: Cheers and Jeers

Well, American Idol is over for this week. I gotta' tell ya' that as far as the girls are concerned, I just don't think they have as much hoowah as the guys this year. The guys, on the other hand, are all that and a bag of bon bons. What they might lack in talent, they more than make up for by being endearing and/or having one heck of a story. They are a powerhouse.

But at week's end, I absolutely agree with Jasmine going home but wish that Jorge had stayed a little longer. I just think he's so sweet...I realize that is completely not the purpose of the competition, but he's so sweet with a pretty good voice.

The girls can be summed up pretty easily...Lil Rounds is the next to go. She's the weakest of the three link chain. Alexis and Allison, on the other hand, make me want to go out and die my hair vibrant red...or at least a big stripe...just to pay homage to two rockin' chicks with pipes to die for. They are MEGA talented and I can't wait to see how far they go. Megan doesn't have NEAR the vocal ability of the other two, but there is something very unique and easy to listen to about her voice. But Rockin' Robin? Are you serious? Just because it was a Michael Jackson tune doesn't mean you should sing it. It's like the color yellow - just because it's been proven to make people happier, doesn't mean it is a color meant to be worn by people of any complexion... no no - yellow is best left to lemons, bananas, and the occasional VW Beetle. Nothing more. And Rockin' Robin should be left in the Wurlitzer where a quarter can order up a dose of nostalgia... and only those that can dance get up and do so.... ackward dancers, including Megan, should stay seated. But like I said, there's something I like about her voice - for her, it's all going to be about song choice.

I REALLY wish Anoop had gone home this week. I think he's waaayyyy too arrogant for the product he's serving up each week. And what is up with that 'power look' he throws out there at the end of every one of his's sort of 'I'll Be Back' meets 'Ralph Lauren Underwear Ad''s just not working for me. Someone should tell him he's not that good. Besides, who in their RIGHT MIND, would touch a sacred tune like 'Beat It'??? I don't care if they salt and pepper it, poor ranch dressing on it and serve it to you on a silver platter. Dude, you do not bite out of that one! What he's missing in his vocals, well, he's missing in his brains too. He's definitely gonna' be next if he keeps that up.

MY Sweet Baboo for this season is, without a doubt, Matt from Kalamazoo. He's a dualing piano player in a bar in Kalamazoo and he has got the blues in every shade of every color. He is all over the place and it just melts my butter...hooowee, I'm getting goosies just writing about it. He's awesome and he's from Michigan, so he's got my vote.

My second favorite is definitely Danny. I love the fact that he's a Christian (Music Minister), PLUS he has a heartwarming (and breaking) story, PLUS he's got vocal ability like no one's bidness. He's a triple-threat. And what is up with all the different glasses? That is just too cool - most men with that large of a selection of any accessory would be considered of the man loves man persuasion...but not him. He totally pulls it off. Which pair he's going to wear each week is as exciting as what he's going to sing. He's just awesome!

And my #3 is Scott. I think it's amazing that he's blind and can play the piano like he does. Plus, I thought he ROCKED on 'Keep the Faith' this week. No, he doesn't have the strongest vocals and he needs to tell the hairdressers to tame the wild beast that is his head full of naturally curly locks...but he gets the 'sooo endearing and actually has some talent to go along with it' vote. I just love to see what he's going to do next - He has one thing on all the others....he doesn't have to 'perform passion'. It just oozes out of him which makes quite a beautiful thing to watch. Yea him!

Michael and Kris - well, hmmm....ok, good luck to them, I guess. Nothing special except that Michael is a 'Rufnek' which happens to be what the student 'spirit squad' at Oklahoma University is that's kind of cool. But that's it with them for me.

And finally, Adam. He just freaks me out. I think it's odd that he wears power eyeliner and just coincidentally sings like a girl too. Don't get me wrong, he's extremely talented. Extremely. He's great. But his freaky deaky outweighs his talent for me. I mean, if I can't even watch him because I'm too creeped out, who cares how great he is, right? Things that make you go....icky.

Well, that's it...Norman is calling for me so I better call it quits for today.

Thanks for indulging me. I'm off to polish my tiara -


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