Friday, September 30, 2005

Oh Lordy, Here It Comes....

Well, I don't know what the weather is like today in the South, but here in the Antarctic, it's going to be a high of 58 warm and sunny degrees. I knew it - winter is coming and there's nothing I can do about it. The temperature today is nothing we don't see in Oklahoma...except that this is usually where it ends - cold temperatures. You don't have the impending doom of daily blizzards. Shopping is inevitable because I don't have the clothes to brave this stuff which, you would think, would excite me. And it's not just clothes. I probably will have to buy food rations and bottled water for those days that we're snowed in.

I can already see that I'm going to use all my vacation time on not coming to work so that I don't have to drive in it. I'm already getting sick - it's like my body can sense what's coming and it is just giving up - my immune system will shut down soon. My body is like an animal that knows when stuffs about to happen. It just does. I think my throat is closing shut. Everything's going black....hello? is that you God? I'm fading fast... *cough* *wheez*

Anyone wanting to contribute to my blizzard relief fund can mail money to me directly. I accept check and money orders....and cash, of course.

Love so much~
The Snow Princess

Monday, September 26, 2005

Here Comes the Bride...

Well - it's done. Mark is forever stuck with me. Many thought it would never happen. Some of you might have even lost money on it. That's what you get for bettin' against a princess!

I know it's been forever since I last wrote. I really am going to try and be better about writing every few days instead of every few months~ So many of you reading this were able to attend the wedding. Thank you so much for being there. I only wish I could have spent more time with each you! I was absolutely in awe at the turnout and am so honored to have you all as my friends and family! OK - enough with the goosh...

I do have to say that was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to - wouldn't you agree? he he he First of all, NO ONE can ever have any more precious children (or well behaved) than the ones we had. They were absolutely angelic! The music was divine, the wedding party stunning, and the cake was delicious! All the makings of one fine weddin'! (Now, if I could just get those thank you notes written!)

Thanks to everyone who laughed at me when I said "I do" - I had to have someone explain to me what made everyone giggle.

For the honeymoon, we went to Winter Park, CO. It was absolutely beautiful there, but we weren't prepared for the weather or the altitude. We had checked before the trip and saw that it was going to be in the 60's so we took jeans, long pants, and long sleeve knit tops, and a few fleece shirts.... Just FYI - low to mid 60's in Colorado isn't the same thing as low to mid 60's in the rest of the country. I had to wear the same pair of shorts almost every day. Also, we couldn't catch our breath because of the altitude. Every so often, your breath would go and it would be like, "OK Honey - this is the big one. Tell everyone I love them." By Tuesday, we had been deprived of so much oxygen that we took a 5 hour nap and still went to bed at 10 that night. And here I thought we wouldn't see the light of day because we were, well, you know...turns out, we didn't see the light of day, but it was because we couldn't wake up!

Once we left Oklahoma after the honeymoon, we took two days to get back to Michigan. The entire road trip was good for us - a successful road trip is one that exposes your weaknesses and issues... you know, things that might cause a divorce. (ahem) We found one. My driving. On the way down to Oklahoma, it wasn't so difficult because we drove all the way through and when it became my turn to drive, Mark was so tired he had little room to argue - he was out of it most of the time, so I just followed his rules to shut him up and get him to sleep and then it was back to my way. The trip back was a little tougher because we stopped part way through. There was no sleeping on this portion of the trip. On the first day, we really wanted to get to St. Louis because that's half way. Unfortunately, Mark got tired about an hour and a half outside of St. Louis. We decided I would drive us on in and through St. Louis to get a place to sleep. Well, we made it about 30 minutes and by that point, neither of us wanted to be in the car with each other. So, we called it a night in, what has to be, the dirtiest motel I've ever seen. It was a small sacrifice compared to murder.

The great thing about being married is that we don't hold grudges for too long. Why should we - we're stuck. Neither of us is going anywhere. Might as well make it as pleasant a trip as possible!
I joined Weight Watchers two week ago. My first weigh in was last friday, I lost 2.6 pounds! YES! Mark has been so supportive of me and my efforts. I told him if he didn't, I would keep gaining weight and he would have to buy me all new clothes. That helped things along. I've done really well with the program and am excited about my anticipated progress. I'll keep you posted~

I had to go back to the Secretary of State's office to get my drivers license now that my name change is official. I actually had all the ID I needed...but no proof of residence. UGH~ I went back to work and got a pay stub and that night, I actually got my drivers license. Well, the temporary one...they have to mail your drivers license to you. I don't know what THAT'S all about.

I have also gotten my (personalized) Michigan car tag - OKIEMOE (that's Oklahoma Eskimoe abbreviated). Now that I have that, I am good to go (and speed and hit things....yeeeehaw!)

As of Friday, I am officially a 'Pierce'. I got the ol' social security card changed too. Geez o pete, I think I'm done.

So, I think it could snow any day...people around here tell me differently, but I think they're just trying to trick me. It better not snow. I don't have the apparel necessary to brave the winter know, GORTEX, FUR, Snow Shoes (those tennis racket looking things)....a DOG SLED. Unbelievable - All my shoes have the backs out of them. But have you seen real live snow boots??? They are UUUUUUUGLY! They remind me of those things I used to wear as a kid and I tucked my jeans into them. Tacky. Oh well, like it or not....

I'm singing a solo this upcoming Sunday at my church. This is my first time and I haven't sung a solo in church since the end of June. It feels like it's been forever. I'm so excited about that - then maybe I can make some they are drawn in against their will to the sound of angels that emits from my mouth.....hmmmmm

OK - I'm going to sign off now. But don't worry - I will write soon. I just gotta finish all these thank you notes. Good NIGHT! It's like high school graduation all over again. I'm tempted to send all the gifts back to their sender just so I don't have to send thank you notes. But probably not.

Love to you all -

Rhonda Pierce (Your Ears)