Friday, September 30, 2005

Oh Lordy, Here It Comes....

Well, I don't know what the weather is like today in the South, but here in the Antarctic, it's going to be a high of 58 warm and sunny degrees. I knew it - winter is coming and there's nothing I can do about it. The temperature today is nothing we don't see in Oklahoma...except that this is usually where it ends - cold temperatures. You don't have the impending doom of daily blizzards. Shopping is inevitable because I don't have the clothes to brave this stuff which, you would think, would excite me. And it's not just clothes. I probably will have to buy food rations and bottled water for those days that we're snowed in.

I can already see that I'm going to use all my vacation time on not coming to work so that I don't have to drive in it. I'm already getting sick - it's like my body can sense what's coming and it is just giving up - my immune system will shut down soon. My body is like an animal that knows when stuffs about to happen. It just does. I think my throat is closing shut. Everything's going black....hello? is that you God? I'm fading fast... *cough* *wheez*

Anyone wanting to contribute to my blizzard relief fund can mail money to me directly. I accept check and money orders....and cash, of course.

Love so much~
The Snow Princess

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