Spendji: This is a GREAT resource for completing a project that involves several people. It allows you to create task lists, budgets, etc. and because it’s web-based, everyone involved with the project (as long as they have an email address and internet access) can pow wow together without having to have/purchase special software.
Scrapblog: This is a free service that let’s you capture memories online - and not just scrapbooks, but also holiday cards and such. How COOL is that? For any of you scrappers out there who 1) hate all of the trimmings and other leftover trash you are blessed with when scrapbooking and/or 2) every photo you have in your possession is in electronic format and to print them all out to put in a scrapbook would cost a fortune, this is a perfect alternative. Click here to peruse the site's FAQs. Here's some 411:
Food Tidings: This online tool is GREAT for coordinating meal service for someone in need, whether it’s helping out someone who’s sick or has lost a loved one. You are able to organize everything right on this site and, just like Spendji, as long as they have an email address and internet access, everyone involved can access the group’s site. You can create the entire food schedule here. This would definitely come in handy for local assistance and bereavement groups, including churches.
Trip It: Ok, this is one of my faves and it even has an app for the iphone so you can use it anywhere. It's a trip planner - no big deal, right? All of the travel sites have them - Expedia, Cheap Tickets, blah blah blah...BUT, you can only use those if you make your travel plans using THEIR service. This is wayyyy cooler. You can keep all of your trips organized here and can share trips with people you designate. And here's the coolest part - after you make a reservation for something (airfare, car rental, whatever) and you receive the email confirmation from wherever you just made a reservation that shows your itinerary, you forward that itinerary email to plans@tripit.com and it automatically pulls the information from that itinerary and lays it out in their format. So, I just bought plane tickets. I forwarded the email and *poof* there's my flight itinerary. Then, I rented a car. *Poof* Inserted appropriately within the flight itinerary are the details about picking up/dropping off my car. NICE...very handy. Finally, it gives the weather for all of the days of your trip to wherever you're going to be. And you can edit this to coordinate with your trip - taking a road trip that will have you in a different city every day? You can input a different city for each day and it will lay out the weather predictions for those days.
OK Moments: If you aren't from Oklahoma or don't have any interest in Oklahoma, then you can stop reading. If you're still reading, then you should definitely go to this site and sign up for 'Your Daily Insights into the Oklahoma Spirit' - Once you subscribe, you will begin to receive a daily 'OK Moments' email with a link to a little video clip (I really mean little...like, one minute or less) about something neat/cool/interesting about Oklahoma - inventions, people, events...it's cool. The video is different every day. So far, I've learned about the shopping cart and the parking meter being invented in Oklahoma, the USS Oklahoma Battleship, Will Rogers, and on and on. You definitely want to check it out! In fact, TODAY'S clip is about Sam Bradford and Blake Griffin - two very cool, very talented dudes who have made Oklahoma proud. (And the site archives the videos so you can flip through past clips and see what you've missed!)