Tuesday, July 26, 2005

A boo boo boooo

Well, here I am...just over three weeks in Eskimo Land and I am gainfully employed and quickly developing a reputation amongst my co-workers of being quite funny. I'm not sure if they're laughing at my stories or the way I talk - bottom line is, they're laughing at me, and that's not nice. Oh well -

The job is amazing. The people I work with are so nice! For those of you who don't know, I'm the Executive Assistant to the President and CEO of Emergency Physicians Medical Group (EPMG). Essentially, hospitals have a difficult time staffing their emergency rooms and urgent care facilities. So, they contract with us to manage their emergency rooms and urgent care facilities and with that management comes staffing of doctors. So, the doctors are ours and the nurses, therapists, etc. are employees of the hospital. It's a great companyand they really care about what they're doing. My boss is so nice -almost too nice. Maybe he thinks I'm fragile...hmmmmm - sometimes, he's so precious, I just want to grab his cheeks, get in his face and say, "A boo boo boo" I don't know that we're quite there yet...I'll keep you posted.

This company even keeps a stocked refrigerator of sodas and juices and bottled waters. WOOHOO!!! Who cares about the condo up north, I want beverages! I just want to drink as many as possible just because they're free. he he AND BECAUSE I CAN! I do work for the president, you know....

The other day, I decided to clean out the oven. hmm Maybe I shouldn't have done that. I went and bought Easy Off oven cleaner. For the removal of baked on, caked on..."stuff". I got yer' baked on, caked on. Have any of you ever SEEN a 36 year old bachelor's stove??? Let's start with the top burners. I went to clean those pretty little silver things under the burners. One look told me they should be given an honorable burial - so I purchased new ones. They sure do sparkle. So, then I went deep into the bowels of "THE OVEN". Oh wow- caked on?? baked on??? yeah right, try soldered (pronounced sawterfor those of you who hypothetically had no idea and tried to spell it like it sounds) on. It was a whole new layer of lining on the inside. Spray was not gonna do it - a chisel, maybe. But I digress...So, I sprayed it on. hmm It came alive and started chasing after me. It was like nothing I've ever experienced. And hopefully never will. whew - fortunately, my new job has employee assistance with trained counselors to deal with this very thing. I just don't know if they're trained to deal with ME...

Well, it's the final countdown to the big day. I am so excited. My plan worked just as I had hoped when I first messaged my vic, er, Mark. Perfect, I tell ya - he walked right into it. And he has no idea. **evil laugh**

Now that I'm getting up so stinkin' early, I have to go to bed by 10, so I better wrap this up. Mark and I started tanning today - I am a complete failure at weight loss and my dress may have to be strappedon me with electrical tape, but at least I will be tan. Now I just gotta find a hair do. More later -

Love Love Love -

The Fat and Happy Princess

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

What a might God we serve!!!

Well, here I am - I haven't even been here three weeks.....

AND I GOT A JOB!!! wooohooo! I had a second interview yesterday with the Medical Management company that I originally interviewed with theTuesday after I first arrived. I got home and not too much later,they called with the offer. They had asked if I was looking anywhere else, and I told them there was one other job that I was expecting a call from tomorrow (Today). I guess they thought they better snatch me right up -

Anyhoo - that's about all for now. Just wanted to share my "It's nothing but a God Thing" story.

Thank you all for your prayers - It looks like they worked! What an awesome God He is.

The Gainfully Employed Princess

Friday, July 15, 2005

Two Weeks Notice....hmmmmm

Well, hi ya'll! I hope this latest update finds everyone doing well. I have been here two weeks today and I'm finally getting settled in. I've been watching the news for some headlines like, "State Capitol has to shut down due to lack of ability to maintain a positive outlook since Rhonda left" or "Oklahoma State Highway Patrol has to request more funding because they can no longer meet their quota since Rhonda left" or even "Car Insurance rates at an all time high..." Well, you get the idea...but alas, no such news. I would come back if I had too, but I guess all is well WITHOUT me. **sniff**

Here's a travel tip: (This tip is sponsored in part by General FoodsInternational Coffees...Celebrate something) If you decide to come up and visit and want to take a leisure drive to see the sights, it is not in your best interest to take roads you are not familiar with. Should you do this, do not stop at red lights. Running a red light will only get you a ticket. Stopping will get you killed. P.S. Saginaw Street is not a good part of town. So there you go - Not that I got lost, I'm just looking out for my friends. That's all...

So, who's coming up to see me first????

I had another funeral procession - same thing happened, except this experience was spiced up a bit by an 80 year old who flipped me off as he passed me. I guess he had somewhere to go or something.

Mark and I started a diet this past Monday. It's called the grapefruit diet. Some of you may have heard of it or even tried it. It's not a bad diet, just really restrictive - you can't snack. That's just crazy talk. Who EVER considered not SNACKING???Hello???? I would cut MEALS out of my day before I would cut snacks. Oh wait, right before bedtime, you do get one snackie poo - an 8 oz glass of either tomato or cow juice (low fat skim). That's filling. Mark is used to snacking quite a bit in the evenings so the first night, he kept asking me if he could have stuff. Then, throughout the evening, he would go into the kitchen and just stand and look around. I thought he was never gonna go to bed. I, on the other hand, was a perfect picture of composed and committed.

Then comes day 2. I was fine until that evening. We went over toMark's brother's house to swim. When we were finished, Kelly (his wife) pulled out the leftover homemade strawberry shortcake fromJessica's birthday party. I lost it - I wanted it so bad. Shoot - I just wanted to smear it all over myself. Oh wow - I didn't cheat, but don't think for a second that I didn't want to.

We finally broke last night and went and bought low carb ice cream. It wasn't our fault really - that stinking diet made us do it. That's all I have to say about that really.

I had another job interview on Wednesday in East Lansing, which is just a few miles away from where Mark works. That would be nice so I don't have to be driving in the bad weather. Insurance companies allover the place - UNITE! It went really well, and then yesterday, I got a call back for a second interview for the job in Ann Arbor. It's next Tuesday. I wowed em' - I knew I would.

Well, I have to go get ready now. My future sisters-in-law are taking me to lunch to "Welcome Me to the Family". I'm really excited about it - they are three very sweet women. Ok...that's all. Except that I miss you all with everything in me.

Love, Love, Love
Yankee Princess

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

boy, aren't yankees NICE???

Ok, so here's what's been going on so far...unpacking. oh yeah , good times there.

Yesterday, I decided to go get my Michigan drivers license since you only have 30 days to get it. I go in, take a number, and wait. It's my turn, WOOHOO! I go to the counter and tell her I need a new drivers license. She asks for THREE forms of I.D. Oh, and by the way, a social security card doesn't work. (Then what the heck do I have this thing for???) She wants a high school diploma, a high school year book, a birth certificate...all of which I conveniently carry in my glove compartment. I almost asked, "Would you also like a stool sample? Maybe swab my cheek?" So in the midst of planning, I'm thinking that I won't get my car tag renewed until it expires in November - get the most bang for your buck, right? Not so much -Because I might get pulled over (yeah right), if I whip out my shiney new Michigan drivers license and don't have the coordinating accessories (license plate, antenna flag - you know, the usual), I just might get another ticket. So, I take my little Okie drivers license and go home.

So later in the day, I turn on to a two lane street that has a third lane on the far right of my side of the street. As I pull into that lane, a funeral processional heads my direction, so I stop the car, 'cause that's what you do right? Well, I ALMOST DIED waiting on that funeral processional because supposedly, Yankees haven't heard yet about the stopping your car out of respect thing. In fact, people SPED UP - It was almost like they thought that respectful - to get past the processional as quickly as possible. Unbelievable.

Last night, I got a call for another interview next Wednesday. This could be the job I really want. We're not sure - the one I interview for tomorrow pays a lot more, but the one I got a call about for nextweek is in the same town as Mark so he could take me to work (not thatI don't have mad driving skills, especially in snow and ice, but it makes him feel like a real man, taking care of me and all....it's all about him really) Cross your prayer fingers that God will simply close the door that I'm not supposed to walk through. We only want God's will for our lives.

Thanks so much for all your prayers and support. I can never tell you enough how much you all mean to me.

"Whatever you are, Be a Good One."

Princess Rhonda

Monday, July 04, 2005

No snow yet....

Hi everyone! Well, like it or not, I'm here now. We (my brother and I) left Friday from work and thought we had gained an hour and a half because the offices closed early. Alas, not so much. We hit Tulsa just shortly after some bad driver hit some other driver...fabulous -and in 5 o'clock traffic. Fortunately, I had my pedicure kit with me and could do some trimming while my brother handled the masses. Once we got through the wreck, it was on to some "one - lane action"....took us that extra hour and a half to get through 20 MILES...Bless my heart.

We got to St. Louis where I had made a reservation at the hotel I found to be closest to the interstate that we were on (I had no scientific knowledge to back up my decision, mind you). I even told her we had a u-haul with a car in tow. I'm sure she was just really busy when I called to make the reservation and just FORGOT to tell me there was nowhere for us to park in this very upscale part of downtown St. Louis. When we arrived and found the situation to be what it was, Abu and Shaq (an Assistant Manager who was from India I think and the security guard who looked just like Shaq - names have been changed to protect the innocent) tried to tell us we could back up the uhaul into a parking spot with the car in tow. Finally, after much discussion and not being able to convince Abu that there was no way that was going to happen, we cancelled our reservation and drove off as they yelled at us that we wouldn't find another room because "The fair is in town." We'll show them, and show them we did. We found another room - HA! (It just happened to be another 2 1/2 hours down the road- and that was just because at 3:00 am, someone had just checked out. We slept like babies and left around 10:30 the next morning.

Construction is a pretty popular thing we found out - sometimes they like to piggy back construct. Certainly, it was the ideal situation for someone with A.D.D. Good NIGHT! And I would have slept through it except (in case you didn't know this), the seats don't and can't recline in U-haul trucks. No one told me that ahead of time or I would have just strapped all my stuff onto the back of a GREYHOUND. So, I'm left to entertain myself (Bless my brother's heart). I think (Not for sure yet) I got a wee bit grumpy maybe towards the end of the trip. I was bored, irritable, and forgot to take my pill- We arrived safely and exhausted!

Mark built a deck to surprise me and it's beautiful! He also bought me a new Schwinn mountain bike so that we can get some exercise. He was right - I got plenty pushing that thing down the stairs of the deck to get it out of the way. Anyway, the family room looks just like it did yesterday evening - like a disaster area. Tomorrow will be good since Mark goes to work and I can start going through our house looking for places to cram things so he will think I cleaned when he gets home. I miss you all terribly and I hope you all had a beautiful Fourth ofJuly. We bought matching t-shirts from Old Navy and put them on just in time to watch a gigantic storm come through town. It was quite patriotic. I love each and every one of you from the heart of my bottom! Keep your eyes on the Son and ME in your hearts...And will someone check on my mom - I'm sure she is going nuts without me living with her right now! HA HA

Bye for now -Princess Rhonda